5:13 PM
Evolution of MHD Torus and magnetically driven mass outflows around spinning AGN
(Department of Physics and Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, 30013 Hsinchu, Taiwan)
5:15 PM
Spectra and light curves of the radiative reprocessing in an outflow
Chun Chen
(Sun Yat-sen University)
5:17 PM
Simulating Jet/Outflow Behavior in Massive Galaxies: A New Black Hole Feedback Model in NIHAO Simulations
Changhyun Cho
(New York University Abu Dhabi)
5:19 PM
Temperature properties in magnetized accretion flow around black holes
Indu Kalpa Dihingia
(TDLI-SJTU, China)
5:21 PM
A Dark Matter Probe in Accreting Pulsar-Black Hole Binaries
Qianhang Ding
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
5:23 PM
Detection of high frequency quasi-periodic oscillation during the reflare of MAXI J1348-630
Raj Kumar
(Astrophysical Sciences Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai - 400 085, India & Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai - 400 094, India)
5:25 PM
Can Transients Comprising Stellar Population in Galaxy Clusters Constrain Fraction of PBHs in Dark Matter?
Sung Kei Li
(The University of Hong Kong)
5:27 PM
The generalized self-similar solution of ADAF, SLE, slim disk and standard disk
Mingjun Liu
(National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5:29 PM
Cold Gas in Outflow: Evidence for Delayed Positive AGN Feedback
Yu Qiu
(Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University)
5:31 PM
Stream crossing near the pericenter in tidal disruption events
Yan Song
5:33 PM
Energy outflow efficiency of the supercritical accretion disks around Kerr-black holes by General relativistic radiation-MHD simulations; From weak to strong magnetic field state.
Aoto Utsumi
(University of Tsukuba)
5:35 PM
Accretion flows in the wind-fed black holes
Yilong Wang
(National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5:37 PM
Multi-Messenger Constraint on the Hubble Constant with Tidal Disruption Events
Thomas Hong Tsun Wong
(University of California San Diego)
5:39 PM
Apparently ultra-long period radio sources from self-lensed pulsar-black hole binaries
Xinxu Xiao
(Sun Yat-Sen University)
5:41 PM
Binaries wandering around supermassive black holes due to gravitoelectromagnetism
Zhongfu Zhang