- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts on and practitioners of gravitational lensing to address the nature of Dark Matter (DM), with a particular (albeit not exclusive) focus on whether DM comprises ultra-massive particles such as WIMPs or ultra-light particles (which manifest themselves on macroscopic scales as waves) such as Axions. We aim for an honest discourse on the caveats, weaknesses, and ambiguities of each approach, so as to make clear what steps we, as a community, need to take to improve upon the standard of evidence for the nature of DM. We especially welcome new or novel approaches for placing DM – whatever its hypothesised nature (e.g., warm instead of cold, invisible baryons) or properties (e.g., self-interacting) – under the gravitational lens. We also plan a special session to address what constraints gravitational lensing of gravitational waves, independent of or in addition to gravitational lensing of electromagnetic waves, may provide on the nature of Dark Matter.
This workshop is funded in large part by the Croucher Foundation, with additional minor support from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). There will be no registration fee. We will provide airfare (up to a limit) and local accommodations for plenary speakers. We will provide local accommodations for invited speakers, and hopefully, partial support for local accommodations for contributed speakers. We ask speakers who can support conference expenses from their own grants to let us know, allowing us to provide some level of local accommodation support for graduate students.
Owing to the lack of availability of a conference room at the University of Hong Kong, we have had to move the workshop to the Chinese University of Hong Kong and change the dates of the workshop to Apr 7-10.